The annual popcorn sale provides the best opportunity for Scout units to raise all the money necessary for a quality, year-round program in the least amount of time possible. Every Scout should learn the value of hard work and earning their own way. The popcorn sale is the perfect opportunity to teach this valuable life lesson and fund the most exciting year of Scouting ever.
More than 70% of the popcorn sale supports your programs and local Scouting! The Andrew Jackson Council does all the pre-work to set up the sale, eliminating the need for your unit to research opportunities, calculate returns, create sales and promotional materials, manage a relationship with a vendor, and more.
The popcorn sale is not just about selling popcorn…It’s also about promoting Scouting!

Larry Cagle
Assistant Scout Executive/COO
Ken Kercheval
Scout Executive/CEO
Popcorn Pick-up | Bracken Equipment
Popcorn App - Unit Leaders
A quick video on how to set-up your Campmaster Popcorn App on your smartphone.
Popcorn App- Scouts and Family
This method is a lot like an “old school” lemonade stand. Your unit gets permission to have a booth in a high-visibility area, and your Scouts sell actual popcorn products there on the spot. This method has been highly effective for many units. A unit can plan a Show & Sell day and split Scouts/ families into shifts so that everyone takes a turn. Talk with local stores to set up a time to sell.
Encourage Scouts to set up a local Show & Sell type stand in their driveway or another location in their neighborhood. This is similar to a lemonade stand, where interested customers can come and purchase if interested!
Marketing & Promotion –Be sure to let everyone in the neighborhood know you are selling popcorn when & where.
Social Media –Utilize social media apps like Next Door or Facebook to market the sale.
Yard Signs–Set out signs directing potential customers to your Pop-Up Shop, like promoting a Garage Sale.
The best thing to come out of the last couple of years is curbside pick-up. I don’t want to get out of the car to shop for anything and now I don’t have to. Hosting a drive-thru event so people can buy popcorn from the convenience of their cars, is the perfect opportunity to sell to folks who feel the same. The drive thru sale plan can be done anywhere. By asking retail locations, your chartered organization, or other venues to provide space in the parking lot where customers can drive up, place and receive an order, then drive away, provides convenience and a low-pressure option to customers.